Well, I have not been writing here much in the recent weeks or months really. Yes, I had kind of abandoned the blog a while. Classes are tough and well, after all the schoolwork in the house gets done then there is always Facebook, where I am usually.
Today, however, I cannot turn away from the blog and find myself in a feeling of necessity to write, not on Facebook, but here. We are faced today with all kinds of news headliens and concerns. We know our undoing was upon us when Obama was elected in 2008. He took office in 2009, and immeidately threatened in such a cowardly fashion to declare marshall law if his stimulus package was not passed, and the bailouts were not handed out. Go check it out. You can likely find a few websites or even youtube videos on the matter. It happened. In a recap, there were many rallies throughout 2009 and 2010. At the end of 2010, the Obamacare farce was passed as well as several other really bad things like the treaty with Russia on arms.
Hilary Clinton has been to the table with the U.N. over the small arms treaty, which will prove disasterous for our 2nd Amendment rights if and when it is signed. Now, we are in 2011. Nobody has gone after Obama's legitimacy. Nobody, with the exception of Orly Taitz and Rev. James David Manning. All that is heard spewed by Fox News and others is the birth certificate situation and it is blown off. FINE!!!! Even if the American people wanted to say that Obama was born on U.S. soil, the matter is still not cleared up and Obama is still left as illegal as ever to have his behind sitting in the White House. Why? Well, two very major CONSTITUTIONAL reasons. 1. Even if born on American soil, which he was not, Obama was not ever a natural born citizen. A natural born citizen to the United States, per the Constitution of the United States, has both parents that are citizens of the United States. Obama's real father was never a citizen of the United States and never applied for citizenship. 2. Obama held dual citizenships, which per the Constitution of the United States, no president is qualified to be president if they have done this. Obama was a citizen of then British controlled Kenya, and the United States. Furthermore, Obama's mother re-married and they moved to Indonesia with Obama's Stepfather where he attended school as a citizen of Indonesia. During that time, Indonesia did not recognize dual citizenships and so Obama's U.S. citizenship would have been revoked.
I have heard all I want to hear about how this situation of illegality no longer matters. It certainly does. Obama, if Congress is pressed hard enough by the people, could be proven to be illegal and made to get out of the White House that is not owned by the government, but like the government, is owned by the American people. Out with Obama means Out with his policies and all the laws that were enacted or passed by Congress with Obama as president. Rev. James David Manning, in May of 2010, held a 10th Amendment hearing per the Constitution of the United States of America and charges of sadition were found against Columbia University and Obama himself.
If this is not enough to tick you off and make you stand, perhaps the following things will. WE MUST BE HEARD, AMERICA. IN A VOICE AND NUMBER THAT CANNOT BE OVERLOOKED AND IGNORED. WE ARE THE MAJORITY!
Michelle Obama has taken to sticking her butt up in all the expensive elite eating establishment around the country. She is obviously gaining weight everywhere, yet she wants to tell families how to eat, how to feed their children or not, and regulate food manufacturing companies into dropping sugar, salt, and other things that she and other liberals who want to babysit and control the world.
Not mad yet?
The U.S. government has been printing more money. Instead of paying their debts and fixing the budget, as always, they just print more, which decreases the value of the dollar, and raises inflation. Have you noticed the higher prices at the gas pumps and the grocery stores, and how just about everything has gone up a little so far. Trust me, more is to come.
Keep going.
American borders are open, and even Obama and the P.M. of Canada have talked and are now planning free travel of people and goods across the northern border of the U.S. That's right. Again, something you can google to find out about, but that was not very well reported by our government controlled media here in the U.S. I myself caught wind of this yesterday, February 21, 2011 and googled it and shared links on Facebook, which is where most of my links end up. The southern U.S. border has long been a problem, though not as badly as it has become since Obama's supposed farce of an election. Since floods have come across the U.S./Mexican border. Obama merely plays at mocking the American people by sending few troops to our borders, while our military, in large part, are overseas.
Oh, I forgot to mention that monies given to Haiti by the government were way out done by the charities of the people in the U.S. People here have a way of donating to others who are need. In America and abroad. Isn't that something? Who would have imagined?
All this brings me to another situation. Did you know that Mexicans were not the only ones crossing the U.S/Mexican border? No, they really were not. Turns out that yes, something most conservatives have known for a while was happening. Our southern border with Mexico was being infiltrated and crossed illegal by arabic people who are muslims. People talk about muslims like being one is their race, and it is not. Islam is their religion and their political ideology, not their race. They are arabic because they live in the arab nations.
Upward and onward to the sad part of this muslim thing. They are being aided by our government to come into the United States and have been pushing for the implementation of Sharia Law here, all over the country. Well, we in America have laws, a language (English), a Constititution, and a judicial system. Isn't that something? We have our own. We do not need their's. IF they want to live by sharia law then they need to go back to where they came from and push it in their own countries and LEAVE AMERICA ALONE!!!!
I have had several muslim friends on Facebook. I can say that after talking with quite a few and adding a few friends who have converted away from Islam, that I do not trust these people one little bit. Here's why. 1. A supposed conservative radio figure calls muslims misunderstood and says their religion is peaceful and that only America has created the monster that attacked us on 9/11/01. My question then is where was America's hand in the action during the Crusades? Did America also create the spreading of Islam to spark at that time, which in turn found muslims killing millions if they refused to convert? Well, according to the time table of the Crusades, America could not have had an involvement, and so merely creating one group or another had nothing to do with it. 2. Out of all the muslim friends that I have been able to speak with online over the last few years, none have ever sent me any information that I have requested with regard to their religion, Islam, or their sharia law. 3. Once I have talked with a muslim a few minutes, they never come back to try to talk to me again. This, after I was respectful, and nice, and merely seeking information in order to help spread their cause and reasons for peace. Obviously, much of what has been heard with regard to them not being peaceful is true. I can't get one to come back, on his/her own and discuss anything with me further. They obviously don't want to be questioned.
The Quran does state that infadels should be killed. Can I give you where it states this, no, I cannot. Nor could I likely give you but a couple of exact locations in the Holy Bible, of verses either. I am a devout Christian. I know my Bible, but have never taken to memorizing Books, Chapters, and Verses where a passage was located. Sometimes I wish I had because I would love to go back and find a few things myself sometimes.
Obama and his aministration are being tough on Israel, and working on condemning Israel through the U.N. Quite honestly, the U.N. should be told by the U.S. Government right where it can go, and the U.S. not being one of those places. Netanyahu, Israel's P.M., has been totally blown off while in America and disrespected by Obama and his regime, and yet people think that Obama is on Israel's side. Thank God, Netanyahu or one of his people, came out the other day in an article and stated that they cannot trust the U.S. So long as Obama is in office, Israel is right not to trust the U.S. Obama himself said that he would stand with the muslims. Google it and you will not only find it, but find where he also stated on 60 minutes that he is a muslim as well. All those wanting to defend Obama and call him a Christian, show me one thing that he has done that is Christian. It was not him giving the LGBT groups their own celebratory month of June in which to celebrate being homosexuals. That was not Christian. According to the Holy Bible, lying with another man or woman in that way, your same sex, is a sin. It also states that Christians are to hate the sin and love the sinner. So I do not hate homosexuals, but I do hate the sin that they commit within their chosen lifestyles.
Obama has agreed with partial birth abortions. OUTRAGED YET!!!! Likely not, if you were not already, because that is also old news too. However, what follows is not old news but fairly new news.
As we are stopped here at 2/22/2011, we have until March 4, 2011 for OUR congress to come up with a budget. If none, then the government will shut down. Surprise!!!! NO, still old news. However, on MARCH 3, 2011, MUSLIMS will ascend on the White House in demand for the implementation of SHARIA LAW all across and throughout the United States of America. Some groups intend on protesting the demonstration of muslims in Washington D.C. AMERICANS, IF YOU HAVE NOT STOOD UP YET, NOW IS THE TIME. NO MORE WAITING!!!!! NO MORE FLUFF AND THINKING IT WILL ALL JUST WORK ITSELF OUT!!!! GET INVOLVED IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER NOW!!!!!
We have no time left. Obama will allow another 80,000 muslims to come into the United States as refugees. This was just reported a couple days or so ago. Once muslims are in the U.S. at a great enough number, they will call on the government to hear them and do what they want and the government will listen to them. When will muslims begin attacking people in the open in the U.S. It won't be long now. They are biding their time. They have started attacking already. They have conducted honor killings of their own children for becoming too Americanized.
A soldier on the news this morning also stated somewhat of a call to Americans, in my opinion. He stated that he had seen these people due to his service in the U.S. military. He stated that muslims hate us and want to kill us. He is confirming suspicions, of what we already knew. Muslims are not peaceful and peace seeking people. I mean, women who are put to death in the middle east are raped so that if she is a virgin, she will not go to paradise. What kind of peaceful people stop their own from going to heaven? Only those who hate!!!!!
Where does hate come from? Satan himself. The Bible says and I cannot tell you where, but I have read it, that all good things come from God Almighty. That leaves us with the knowledge that everything else comes from Satan and his influence. Obviously that speaks nothing good to Islam or to the muslims.
God bless America,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Yes we must take a stand. What does America stand for????? Have we all become cowards??? Use your freedom of speech Let our congressmen know that we American want to abide by our constitution and not change all history around what suites a few.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100% Some of us ARE ready to take a stand. Cowards will suffer the consequences of surrendering their free will to choose between right and wrong.
ReplyDeleteSandy, I can't tell you how sick I am over all that has transpired in the last two years and yet, so many Americans sit back and do nothing. And so many others on the liberal side sit back and act like it's okay to allow all this to happen. FDR is one of the first to set precedence on destroying America with his socialist ideas and laws and now here we are all these years later, still fighting the left to maintain our freedom. Our kids have been indoctrinated and don't even know the history of our country so they take no pride in it because they've been taught how horrible we are. And now today, there is news a guy from the mideast was out to bomb the home of President Bush here in Dallas. I wonder what it will take to wake up the people in this country and get them to realize the dangers that are creeping in, little by little, with the help of the Traitor in Chief that no ones does a darn thing about !! I pray God will help us overcome the problems but so many have turned their backs on Him, one can only wonder. God bless you dear Patriot !! See you on FB :)
You have made a great case as to why Americans need to not only pay attention, but need to stand up and put a stop to all this crap. Those who refuse to see will be the ones up the creek without a paddle when everything literally comes crashing down...and I am referring to our country by the hands of it's own elected officials and with the help of the Muslims who are dedicated to destroy us. That is yet another problem. Americans are lazy and can't keep a thought in their head for 2 minutes because it isn't pleasant. That gives our enemy the great advantage as they never forget and they are ALWAYS thinking about how to take us out next. Those who don't take heed WILL get what they are refusing to see. What will they do then when they find a "peace loving" Muslim standing in front of them shouting out Allah Akbar!