Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We are the majority and have spoken loudly as of November 2, 2010, we have begun to reclaim America. The lame duck session of Congress has now begun as well. What will they pass next? What will they allow to expire? We have been very busy again calling, writing, and emailing not only our representatives for our own states, but those who pose a threat throughout other states as well. We have been doing the same in support of representatives in other states who have decided to stand firm against Obama and his liberal regime.

Taking back America does not end here though. No, we must continue to push forward and fight through each election in the same way. We must push forth candidates that will take the place of Rinos and continue to weed out liberals and traitors to America in both parties.

Already, immediately after elections in 2010, we have begun on 2012. The end to liberals is America is not here yet, but well underway. We will continue to speak up, stand up, and get rid of the communists in American government. All those who believe in socialist and communist ways in America can get out too.

We are the majority and our fight will be won!!!!!!!

Keep pushing forward, America. We have taken large steps toward reclaiming our nation and ways of life, protecting our freedoms, liberties, and rights. We shall continue just as hard and steadfast in the future!!!!!


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