I have written on the topic of Christianity and faith before, and have commented on Christian churches in the past. Today we are faced with some critical things before our eyes.
Yes, for the first time in forever, I watched Glenn Beck's program today. I usually change the channel when Beck comes on, if I even have the news on at all. I get most of my news from the internet and rely little on the television. Today, however, Beck had some very interesting guests on his program. One was a Jewish Rabbi, there was a man who was disfigured from serving in Vietnam, and James Robinson, a Christian preacher and missionary, and another guy who cannot recall his name right now. So, I watched today's program. I thought it funny that I have been writing on some of the very same things that all these men were discussing on today's program, for a long time. I was also wondering what in the world took them so long to point it out on national television.
TODAY, we have Christians and churches that have their faith all watered down. They believe in being passive, which I do not. They sugar coat things for their parishoners. They don't come right out with the truth. All this stems from FEAR of making some feel uncomfortable. We are taught to love, be kind, merciful, and meek in our churches today. We are not taught to take a stand. We are no longer taught to be unwavering in our faith. WEAK leadership is among us. Our preachers are taught in seminary not to offend. So, Bible lessons that need to be heard and taught are left out of the sermons.
Churches go forward and listen to sermons of spreading the word of God, but that word in our churches of today are being heavily watered down. FEAR does not come from God. That which instills fear comes from the devil. We are taught to FEAR God, which has been taught to love and respect God. However, that it is not what the Bible means when it says that we should fear God. It means that we should have fear of His wrath for not being obedient to Him and His Word.
The Bible is our guide for and through life. We cannot believe only this part or that and then get rid of the rest of it. It is to be read and taught in its entirity. The good, bad, and ugly. All of it, not just what will not offend others. Chrsitians have become quiet. They often do not speak out on things to do with politics. They run from conversation involving other religions. They take no firm stance, often, at least not very loudly, on things like what is currently going on in America.
If you read my message posted the other day, you know that muslims are flooding into the United States. They are marching/rallying in D.C. on March 3 in attempt to push our nation's leaders into giving them sharia law right here in America. We are dwindling in society, in America. People, there is no longer a time for silence and worry of offending others. We have to speak out, stand up, and do it now. Not later. If Christians continue to remain devided over issues, and refuse to come together to fight evil, then there will be no later for us to stand and speak.
I know some are not Christians and still hold to the conservative thing. That's great, and I do not knock you. We must have many in order to continue to speak out and stand up against evil. Every American has that duty in order defend our nation, and eachother in the face of those who would want to take away our freedoms and rights. However, Christians, based on our beliefs in God, and our Savior Jesus Christ, have a duty, to ourselves and to eachother in order to speak and stand on behalf of our FAITH in God.
If Christians cannot stand now, and peacefully speak and stand, then what will happen when it comes time to choose the mark of the beast or Christ? Why wait until that time to find out if you have the will to stand and speak? We must stand now. We must speak now. The road for evil is being paved. When Christians today see crisis coming, they close the doors of the church and sing loudly enough that they cannot hear what is going on outside the doors of the church. Instead of getting involved, Christians, in majority, are not being loud enough outside the churches.
Preachers, it is shameful, that you are not speaking of what is going in America to your congregations, and speaking to them about their FAITH, and whether or not they will have the courage to stand and speak out against what is going on in America today, outside the walls of the church, and outside the walls of their homes.
Christians were not meant to be passive. Get it out of your heads now. One of God's favorite people in the whole Bible was who? David. He was a warrior, and a man of God. He was strong. God, himself, sent men into war. We are not even going to war, exactly. In one aspect it is a war and in other it is not. Right now we are talking about the ability to raise your voices to the government in unison, and together as God's family, and tell them that enough is enough. We have had enough. We have been silent, in majority, but no more. It is not time for nice. It is time for standing. If you can't stand for yourself, stand for God.
If your church is watered down, tell your preachers to change. Tell them to teach and preach in their pulpits the whole truth, and the whole Bible. Tell them to go outside their group or organization's rules and to really truly preach and teach the word of God. If a preacher will not step up to the plate and do what is necessary for the congregation he leads, VOTE HIM OUT!!! GET A NEW PREACHER!!!! We cannot sit back listen to watered down sermons, and act like a watered down people who do not care about the world they live in.
Lastly, and I know this is getting long, if you go to a church or are member of a church now coming under the title "Chrislam", because of the mingled muslim and Christian services, LEAVE YOUR CHURCH, or write to these churches even if not a member of one of them. Condemn what they are doing, do not dislike it and condone it by saying nothing.
Christians around the world are being persecuted. American Christians sit in their homes and in their churches, and in majority, act extremely passive about what is going on. Muslims are killing and murdering Christians every day, world wide. DO NOT WAIT ON THEM TO BEGIN MURDERING CHRISTIANS HERE BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We have freedom on our side. We have rights on our side. We can speak out against evil. We can speak out against religions and evils that believe in raping someone so that they do not go to heaven. I mean, we here constantly that Islam is peaceful. However, we see the contrary. Stoning someone to death because they believe differently than you is not peaceful and should not be tolerated or condoned. Raping people so that they go to hell, rather than heaven, when are killed is E V I L! NOT PEACEFUL.
Do not sit quietly, while these things happens. If Barack Hussein Obama wants to give refugees place in America, then he can collect all the Christians from those countries who are being persecuted. But, he stands with the muslims. He does not and will not stand with the Christians. So, this will not happen. We, Christians, have to speak out for all those who are dying around the world every day. We have to speak out for God and for eachother, and for ourselves.
God bless you all,
God bless America,
Friday, February 25, 2011
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