Monday, March 22, 2010


Besides spending tons of money in fumbling stimulus, Obama and the liberals have accomplished nothing else, until MARCH 21, 2010.

Mark March 21, 2010 as the first day of the death of Freedom in America. That is what it was. The begining of the end of the freedoms of the people of America. I can not state that enough. We are entering a time of higher slavery in America.

Why do I say higher? Because America is not free and has not been truly free for a long time. We work to pay taxes for a money hungry bunch of politicians. We pay for war for whatever reason they want to hand us. We believe it or not and it does not matter, because the majority of the politicians who live in America ignore their constituents. They work for us, the people, yet they know better than we do.

In Novembver, vote for those who you believe will stand up against tyranny. Political title does not matter, party affiliation does not matter. Talk to those who are running. E-mail them, call them, make appointments and go to their offices. Take a notebook and pen, write down important facts and issues. Let them know that you don't care about political speeches. We need action, we need conservative ideas, people who believe in upholding the constitution, and must stand by those who we feel will do what we, the American people need done.

Lindsey Graham, Republican, from South Carolina, is a turn coat and sell out. He and a Democrat are working together on the legislation for a mandatory National ID card. Ever wonder where Obama would lead America, the land of the Free and home of the Brave? Straight into a socialist state. However, the socialist state he is leading America into will bring more killing and loss of life here in our great nation. Obama is a member of the Nation of Islam. He can say he is a Christian all he wants to, but he is no Christian. Those who have supported him in government down the path to dictatorship and claim to be Christians, are not, I do not believe.
I cannot say that are not Christians, definitely. God only knows the TRUE hearts of men. Still, I do not believe that any true Christian could go along with pushing freedom out the woindow.

THE REAL BATTLE HAS BEGUN! Congress has declared war on the American people. The Senate did so back in December, when they passed their healthcare bill. The House of Representatives has declared war on the American people as well, and both with the ring bribing them to vote "YES" on the attack of the Freedoms and Liberties of the American people. I am sick of the backroom deals. I am sick of the closed door meetings. I am sick of spineless government officials who come to a closed door and who do not kick it in, and tell those on the other side that they will not be locked out of their government.

The people in America have really pulled together, in large part, and stood together against Obamacare. THank you to real Americans, who have stood up against tyranny.

To all those out there are still big Obama supporters and those especially in the black community, WAKE UP!!!!! What will it take to open your eyes to the truth behind the current American government, including Obama?

Here is the deal. The fact that they want to put the youth to work cleaning up parks, cleaning the streets and performing community services that inmates on good behavior, called trustees are supposed to be doing. REDICULOUS!!!!!! ARE YOU REALLY WILLING TO ABIDE BY OBAMA'S DICTATORSHIP OF YOUR CHILDREN PERFORMING FOR HIM, JUST BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK PRESIDENT? GIMME A BREAK!!!!!!

1 comment:


    Obama is pro-choice. His party is No. 1 in choosing fast death (by abortion) and slow death (by AIDS). But Obama wouldn't choose this slogan: "Unborn children should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!" And he wouldn't want folks to Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This is Nancy Pelosi's district, and San Francisco mayor Newsom told the cops to NOT arrest anyone exercising the kinky, child-abusing "rights" Obama approves of which are flaunted on public streets in front of children!)
    After recovering from the uncensored photos, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" and "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." See all of this before the "God" named in all 50 US state constitutions exercises His rights and responds with earthquakes, violent storms, and other bad news.
    Obama, Pelosi, and their public-porn-protecting collaborators don't want anyone to know what really goes on at those "gay" festivals because the shocking details could ignite and unite the Religious Right like nothing else - which explains why nothing was said about "gay" rights at any of the US Presidential debates!
    Incredibly, the unnatural acts which forced God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (resulting in the Dead Sea Green Party's sudden change of plans!); which were capital crimes (along with murder) in early America; and which now constitute an arresting global "sign" (Luke 17) occurring expressly JUST BEFORE the return of Jesus as the no-excuses-allowed Supreme Judge, are now insanely viewed as "natural" and even "desirable" by those who ignore the dire drowning preference for child-abusers (Matt. 18:6) and who choose to fulfill the role of the foolish ones who "perish" in II Thess. 2:10-12!

    [Just saw the above web exposure. Other Google items reflecting the shocking state of our society include "Obama Avoids Bible Verses" and "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty." Submitted by Veronica]
