Wednesday, July 15, 2009

FAM (Free America March)

The Free America March is for people in America to be able to recognized as those who participate in this march who want to remain in Free America and who want their voices heard by the government. If you are intersted in this march and gaining more info, please send me a message on facebook or here that says you are interested.

The march will be in Washington D.C. primarily. We need to get a tally on numbers before we set a date for the march. Look below to see if you qualify as follows:

1. You are or consider yourself to be an American.
2. You love freedom.
3. You want America to remain free.
4. You want your voice to be heard by the government.
5. You are against spending money our country does not have that sinks our country any further into debt.
6. You are against tax increases.
7. You are Christian or conservative or just plain old love the freedom we have in America.
8. We welcome all races and all ethnic backgrounds. No person should be discriminated against. If you live in America, love America and love freedom and want to be heard you are welcome to participate. We would love to hear from you.

That's pretty much it. You do not have to be a Christian to participate. Many people are against what the government is currently doing and there are many of all ages, religions, ethinicity, etc who would love to have their voices heard. This is that chance.

We may disagree on many things, but we can come together in a way we never have been able to do so before through this march. We need each other and as Free Americans, we must stand up, be strong, and support each other.

THank you and God Bless America!!!


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