Monday, March 22, 2010


Where do you live? Seriously, look around you. Where is your home? A nice suburb? Apartment, house in the country, a townhouse, an aparmtment in the projects, hood, whatever you want to call it? Are you on section 8 government housing?

To those of you living in section 8 government housing, what does it look like? Seriously, forget the fresh paint and nice apartment, because some are fairly nice. What is your flooring like? What are the walls on the inside like? What are they made out of? Who do you live next to and what are they like? Do you want to move? Want to get out of that neighborhood, that housing?

I have been in several apartments in the local section 8 government housing areas. One things I noticed is that the outside is just some really plain looking brick apartments. The inside? No carpet, ceramic, white tiles, and cinder block walls. Have you ever been on the inside of a jail? The same white floors and cinder block walls. Seriously. How many white people live in your section 8 government housing apartment buildings and are your neighbors? How many are black? How many have been to jail or to prison? Do you have kids?

We are all capable of making mistakes and getting into trouble. I knock nobody who has been locked up for one thing or another, but section 8 housing complexes tend to be more dangerous than other areas. The lifestyles that surround these complexes are dangerous as well. There are some really good people, who unfortunately either believe that they can do no better, or have settled for less than they can do. Or is it that government has set it up for the people to fail?

Look at the welfare system for a moment. Many on welfare also get foodstamps and are living in section 8 housing. When someone on welfare gets a job and tries to get or make a better life, welfare help, foodstamps, and/or section 8 housing is pulled and the person is no longer eligible for government support. What? That is correct. I have worked with several people in the past that could not work more than part time, and could not earn more than 8.00 an hour, or they would lose their government welfare benefits. Which meant, that they, their kids, and anyone else would immediately have to find other housing and start paying full rent elsewhere, purchase all their own food, and pay all thier own utilities, etc.

The only thing that accomplishes is to keep people where they currently are at this point in time. It does nothing to help the poorer people to gain independence from the government and get on their feet. I would think that the government would welcome those on welfare going back to school, earning a decent income and getting out on their own; however, this is not what is happening. People remain on welfare and generations of people receive welfare and never work, even though they may be able to work. There is no inncentive for a person to make themselves better and strive for being independent. Why?

The politicians that claim to want what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted are lying to the people on welfare and section 8 housing. They want votes, and they have an agenda to accomplish and get through. By keeping the majority of black and white Americans segregated, government can scream racism and racist and many believe what they hear. Politicians, who they trust, say government run healthcare will be best, and they believe it and they want it. If there is anything that I could encourage people in the low income, section 8 housing, welfare, food stamp, and other low income/no income groups to do is to be sure that you know for a fact where your politicians stand and what their principals are and their morals.

Are you a Christian? Can you look at your politicians and know or tell that they vote in line with your Christian principals? If not, then vote against them. AS Americans, we have a duty to ourselves, our neighbors, and our country, to put in office, those who will truly see to the integration of our society. Why is section 8housing only offered for those living in the projects or in trailer parks? Why can't section 8 give X amount of money toward the purchase of a new mobile home on a small quarter acre, half acre, or acre of land? Why not pay the first year's payments while people get work and start getting on their feet? There are ways that the welfare system can work to help those who need it, but your politicians are not interested in that? Why? To keep you right where you are so that they can tell you whatever they want to and you will believe it.

Please, look around yourself, and seriously look at your situaiton. What do you think?


Besides spending tons of money in fumbling stimulus, Obama and the liberals have accomplished nothing else, until MARCH 21, 2010.

Mark March 21, 2010 as the first day of the death of Freedom in America. That is what it was. The begining of the end of the freedoms of the people of America. I can not state that enough. We are entering a time of higher slavery in America.

Why do I say higher? Because America is not free and has not been truly free for a long time. We work to pay taxes for a money hungry bunch of politicians. We pay for war for whatever reason they want to hand us. We believe it or not and it does not matter, because the majority of the politicians who live in America ignore their constituents. They work for us, the people, yet they know better than we do.

In Novembver, vote for those who you believe will stand up against tyranny. Political title does not matter, party affiliation does not matter. Talk to those who are running. E-mail them, call them, make appointments and go to their offices. Take a notebook and pen, write down important facts and issues. Let them know that you don't care about political speeches. We need action, we need conservative ideas, people who believe in upholding the constitution, and must stand by those who we feel will do what we, the American people need done.

Lindsey Graham, Republican, from South Carolina, is a turn coat and sell out. He and a Democrat are working together on the legislation for a mandatory National ID card. Ever wonder where Obama would lead America, the land of the Free and home of the Brave? Straight into a socialist state. However, the socialist state he is leading America into will bring more killing and loss of life here in our great nation. Obama is a member of the Nation of Islam. He can say he is a Christian all he wants to, but he is no Christian. Those who have supported him in government down the path to dictatorship and claim to be Christians, are not, I do not believe.
I cannot say that are not Christians, definitely. God only knows the TRUE hearts of men. Still, I do not believe that any true Christian could go along with pushing freedom out the woindow.

THE REAL BATTLE HAS BEGUN! Congress has declared war on the American people. The Senate did so back in December, when they passed their healthcare bill. The House of Representatives has declared war on the American people as well, and both with the ring bribing them to vote "YES" on the attack of the Freedoms and Liberties of the American people. I am sick of the backroom deals. I am sick of the closed door meetings. I am sick of spineless government officials who come to a closed door and who do not kick it in, and tell those on the other side that they will not be locked out of their government.

The people in America have really pulled together, in large part, and stood together against Obamacare. THank you to real Americans, who have stood up against tyranny.

To all those out there are still big Obama supporters and those especially in the black community, WAKE UP!!!!! What will it take to open your eyes to the truth behind the current American government, including Obama?

Here is the deal. The fact that they want to put the youth to work cleaning up parks, cleaning the streets and performing community services that inmates on good behavior, called trustees are supposed to be doing. REDICULOUS!!!!!! ARE YOU REALLY WILLING TO ABIDE BY OBAMA'S DICTATORSHIP OF YOUR CHILDREN PERFORMING FOR HIM, JUST BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK PRESIDENT? GIMME A BREAK!!!!!!